Download dog house Wolf Forever addon
WOLF FOREVER is an addon that will allow you to interact even more with your wolf and take them to dangerous places without dying. There are also 22 models of kennels for your wolf to rest. The golden bone will give your wolf a lot of strength
About the add-on
Rotate mode: When you place your kennel, the first mode will appear, which will be used to place it at the angle that you like best.
-hit to spin
-right click to place the kennel
Stand mode: In this mode your wolf will not be able to sleep in t
Sleep mode: In this mode your wolf will approach the kennel to sle
- toggle stand/sleep modes using right click
- you can remove the kennel using shift+right click

How to install addons:
- Download the addon straight from your device
- Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click on it to start importing into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game